Här är några av mina kompositioner. Är ni intresserad av något så kontakta mig.

Jag komponerar också på beställning

Here are some of my compositions. If you find something of interest pleas contact me.

I am also happy to compose music on order.


Concert for Bukkehorn


Concerto in three movements for Bukkehorn (horn from goat)and symphony orchestra.

Based on folk-melodies from the county of Jamtland (Sweden).

Listen on YouTube

Live to work or work to live?


This piece is for concert brass band and written for Livgardets dragonmusikkår (military brass band) in Sweden.


Listen on YouTube


A piece in three movements for mixed choir a cappella about how Christmas is celebrated today. From the dark December via stress to relaxation.

Written together with Fredrik Westin for the choir Decibel In Östersund, Sweden.

Flickan utan far

“The girl without a father” is a piece for soprano and string quintet (vl1, vl2, vla, vlc, cb).

The piece is written together with Fredrik Westin for the Holocaust Memorial Day.

Listen on YouTube





For male coir (TTBB) in three movements about looking at nature changing by climate change without doing anything about it.

Written together with Fredrik Westin



For string quartet in eight movements based on numbers and math.



Piano-trio (Piano, Violin, Cello) in three movements.

Inspired by looking at children playing on a playground.





An opera/musical about an unusual boy, maybe by diagnose, being excluded and bullied.

Written together with Fredrik Westin for NMDz (musical drama for youths and children in Sweden) and was performed app 50 times on tour.

Listen on YouTube

Svart som synden


A musical about prejudice.

Written together with Jens Ganman for youth audience.